Privacy Policy

Table of Contents

Our Promise to Canadians

As a company doing business in Canada, Groupe Maska connects with citizens and reflects the diversity of communities from coast to coast.

This relationship is digitally manifested through a data exchange between you (the user) and us (the company). Data is carefully managed to provide Canadians with a secure and engaging experience when sharing information with us.

To maintain the trust between you and us, Groupe Maska commits to:

  • Be transparent with you about the data collected and how it is used;
  • Protect data concerning you;
  • Enable secure browsing on its digital products.

We have implemented measures to protect the personal information we collect in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and our Privacy and Personal Information Protection Policy, such as password encryption and the use of secure communications (HTTPS) for any communication containing personal information.

What is the Use of Your Data?

The collected data is analyzed to develop products and content that match your preferences and interests. These data are used to optimize and improve digital products and enhance your usage. They may also be used to recommend content based on your interests.

"In other words: we want to know what interests you, not who you are."

Groupe Maska's Presence on Third-Party Platforms

Our company is present on various third-party platforms, such as social media. When you interact with us on these platforms or use your social media credentials to connect to our services, their policies and terms of use apply, and we invite you to read them.

We may use information you provide to us on third-party platforms, as well as limited information from your social media accounts (if you choose to share this information using your social media credentials to connect to our services), to interact with you and answer your questions, as well as for fine audience understanding and reporting.

Your Data and Privacy

On the Internet, every interaction with a digital product generates data. Thus, when you visit a page on, you generate data. Through your choices and actions, Groupe Maska can transmit the necessary information to your device to display the requested content.

This data exchange is the basis of the Internet's functioning. Without this exchange, there is no network, hence no Internet.

For example, some data, like your IP address, are essential for us to know where to send the requested information. This is very similar to the physical world. When you request that a letter or package be delivered to your home, you must provide your postal address; otherwise, the sender will not know where to send it. It's the same on the Internet; without a destination address, no data can be sent to you.

What Data Do We Collect?

We group the data we collect into three main categories:

Your Actions on Our Products (Analytical Data)

For example:

  • The pages of our website that you visit;
  • Your interactions with our web pages (elements you click on, etc.);
  • The written content you consult;
  • The video content you watch;

Your Context When Browsing Our Products (Analytical Data)

For example:

  • Your geographical location — derived from your IP address or provided by your mobile device's GPS — when you consult our content;
  • The type of device and web browser you use;
  • Your IP address and data contained in Groupe Maska's and its partners' browser cookies;
  • The time of day when you interact with us.

How Do We Use The Data?

The preferences and needs of Canadians are varied. The collected data are analyzed to allow us to develop products and services that match your preferences.

Analytical Data (Your Actions, Your Context)

Analytical data are obtained when you use our websites. The data we analyze in terms of content viewed and viewing methods can be used, among other things, to:

  • Determine the performance of our various products;
  • Analyze your behaviors to reduce friction points on our products;
  • Present relevant content through our content recommendation engines;
  • Offer you targeted advertising.

Actions taken on our products cannot be linked to an individual. Analytical data are anonymized to prevent the identification of a given individual.

Advertising Targeting

The collected data are also used to present you with advertisements that match your interests. They allow us to group the profiles of our product users into audience segments sharing common interests.

For example, if we notice that a group of people has a marked interest in cars, we can present this audience segment with content or advertising about cars. Subsequently, we will be able to assess the number of people in this segment who have seen the advertisement or content, without personally identifying them.

Advertising targeting data are anonymized to prevent the identification of a given individual. Actions taken on our products cannot be linked to an individual.

If you do not want us to use advertising targeting to present you with advertisements based on your interests, you can disable this feature by disabling advertising targeting browser cookies in your browser.

Visitthis section to learn more about managing data concerning you.

How Do We Ensure the Protection of Your Privacy?

Your data are always protected. We implement strict measures to protect the personal data you give us access to. These measures comply with privacy legislation and Groupe Maska's standards on the subject.

Data Anonymization

Analytical data are anonymized to prevent the identification of a given individual. Actions taken on our products cannot be linked to an individual. Data anonymization involves modifying the content or structure of these data to make it very difficult or impossible to "re-identify" individuals.

Secure Connections

Groupe Maska encrypts all communication containing personal information. This means that transmitted data are encoded to guarantee their confidentiality during the data exchange between your devices and Groupe Maska's various products and services.

Security Audits

Furthermore, your data are stored on protected and monitored infrastructures to detect and prevent leaks or intrusion attempts. We regularly conduct checks to ensure the robustness of these measures.

Is The Data Transmitted to Third Parties?

The data you give access to Groupe Maska may be transmitted to third parties in certain specific contexts. Groupe Maska ensures that data transfer is done securely.

Collected data are used for no other purpose than those authorized by Groupe Maska.

Analytical Data (Your Actions, Your Context)

Groupe Maska may use partner services to facilitate data analysis. In such a case, we ensure that partners follow strict data protection rules equivalent to those of Groupe Maska.

Your Data and Security

Protecting Your Data

The data you choose to disclose, the people to whom you disclose it, and your reasons for doing so form the basis of protecting your privacy and rights. If you do not want us to know your IP address, you should refrain from visiting Groupe Maska's website.

If you do not want us to collect personal data about you, you should not register on Groupe Maska's website or log in.

If you want access to our site that allows displaying local, personalized, or more relevant content for you, we need information to identify you.

How Does Groupe Maska Protect the Information You Provide

The personal information we collect is protected in accordance with the Canadian Personal Information Protection Act and Groupe Maska's Privacy and Personal Information Protection Policy.

We will only use them for the purposes agreed upon when you transmitted them to us. If we wish to use your information for another purpose, we will first seek your consent.

Personalization and Filter Bubbles

Personalization Without Polarization

As a company operating in Canada, we aim to foster a sense of national belonging and greater social cohesion by creating a platform:

  • With content tailored to Canadians;
  • To showcase and uphold our values.

Use of Algorithms by Groupe Maska

We sometimes use algorithms to personalize your online browsing. Our algorithms do not replace the competent people who design the range of content you consult on our website. Algorithms are, however, the basis for some tools like the most popular content according to your region or widgets related to time or weather.

What is a Browser Cookie? How Do We Use Them?

What is a Browser Cookie?

A browser cookie is a small text file placed on your browsing device that saves data about your internet habits. For example, a browser cookie may contain a unique number assigned to you. This number allows your browser to be recognized without being able to establish your identity.

How Browser Cookies Work

When you visit a web page that uses cookies, a cookie is saved by your browser on your device. When you return to that site, the cookie recognizes you through your unique identification number. Cookies are the cornerstone of your browser's memory.

Over the years, the internet has evolved, and so have cookies. Cookies now remember items you had placed in your shopping cart on e-commerce sites or your preferences. Cookies also allow for automatic session login on websites you frequent or resuming a video where you had interrupted it.

Use of Cookies by Groupe Maska

Every time you interact with Groupe Maska online, you generate data, and we send you data. These fundamental data exchanges are the very basis of the internet's functioning. Without information exchange, there is no internet.

Cookies can tell us:

  • Which Groupe Maska digital properties you frequent (websites or apps) and how often;
  • What text, video, and audio content you read, watch, or listen to;
  • Your browsing habits on our site (the links you click on and the content you share);
  • Where you are located;
  • The type of device or browser you use;
  • Your IP address.

The data you thus choose to communicate to us help us design better digital products and focus on what interests you.

The vast majority of data you thus create do not allow us to identify you. And when you really need to identify yourself to log into our site or an app, we think it's important that you understand how we use this data.

Managing Your Browser Cookies

Managing Your Online Experience Through Cookie Management

Your data is valuable, and we believe it's up to you to decide what you want to share with us. You can use the links below to enable or disable some of our cookies. However, cookies essential for the proper functioning of our digital products cannot be disabled.

Before downloading cookie-blocking software, you should know that these tools will prevent some Groupe Maska products from functioning as intended or even from working at all. If you block browser cookies, audio or video content may not display, and you may block certain functions, such as location, searches, registration, login, and commenting.

If you still decide to use cookie-blocking software, we ask that you please include Chartbeat, Google, Viafoura, and comScore (ScoreCard Research Beacon) in the list of authorized cookies so that we can continue to receive a minimum amount of information about how you use our website.

We invite you to learn more about how your data helps us improve our content and products.

Disabling Cookies

Most browsers allow you to manage the cookies stored on your computer. Please consult the instructions for disabling cookies on your device through your browser.

Visit the page corresponding to the browser you use to learn more:

If your browser is not on the list, we invite you to visit its website.


The list of browser cookies presented on this page is subject to change. As our products are constantly evolving, new browser cookies may be added to this list, or some cookies may be removed. We ask that you visit this section periodically to stay up to date.

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are essential for the functioning of our personalized services. For example, if you have an account on our website and want to write comments on our pages, our system needs to use a cookie to recognize you.

Cookie Name File Name Description
Browser Cookie Notification fcc_notification_vie_privee Disables the display of browser cookie notifications across all visited pages.
Session Cookie phpsessid Enables our platforms.
Security Cookie AEC Used by Google to ensure that requests made in a session come from the user and not from another website.

Functionality and Personalization Cookies

These cookies are necessary for the use of specific functions. Some, for example, record the region in which you live so that we can provide you with more local content when you visit our site. If you do not want to use this feature, you do not need the corresponding cookie.

Cookie Name File Name Description
WPML_icl_current_languageto store language settings

Targeting Cookies

Targeting cookies collect information about your content consumption habits so that we can offer you personalized and tailored ads. You need these cookies to see personalized pages or ads more likely to interest you, or to not constantly see the same content.

Cookie Name File Name Description
Bing Ads SRM_B
Allows us to analyze the behaviors of our users and offer them targeted advertising.

Contact information

If you have any questions or requests regarding this policy, you can contact us :

Simon Letendre

550 avenue De Vaudreuil
Saint-Hyacinthe, J2S 4H2